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United Doula Care

Pregnancy Coaching Services and in person Birth Doula Services are provided through United Doula Care

Schedule a 15 minute complimentary consultation to inquire about Pregnancy Coaching or Birth Doula Support Services

Monthly Pregnancy Coaching Services include:

~Pick Two~ 

60 minute 1:1 virtual coaching call to create a birth plan

60 minute 1:1 virtual coaching call with movement instruction to prepare for Labor 

60 minute 1:1 virtual coaching call acupressure instruction lesson to prepare for medical induction (if needed), labor and delivery

60 minute 1:1 virtual early labor coaching

Acupressure treatment with cupping and Tuina 

Acupuncture treatment 

Unlimited email support for the month

Cost $300 per month


Birth Doula Services include:

Two 60 -90 minute prenatal visits

Availability for support via phone, text and email throughout your pregnancy and up to 8 weeks postpartum

On-site hospital support for the duration of your labor and birth 

1-2 hours of postpartum support immediately after your baby is born

One 60-90 minute postpartum visit within the first 8 weeks postpartum

Cost $1500

Established acupuncture patients $500

Call (617) 721-3126 Directions Contact/Schedule