Common pregnancy related symptoms treated at this clinic.
Nausea, vomiting, anxiety, back pain, hip pain, rib pain, constipation, acne, edema, carpal tunnel, cold symptoms
Pre-Birth Treatments help Moms optimize their Birth Experiences with
Fewer Interventions

What is your plan for childbirth?
Are you preparing for childbirth and looking for steps to take in addition to vaginal childbirth classes and prenatal yoga? Acupuncture helps reduce stress, enhance pregnancy hormones, and soften the cervix for baby engagement. At 37 weeks women can begin pre-birth acupuncture treatments. Most women report a more efficient labor with fewer interventions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?
A: Yes, acupuncture is safe during pregnancy when you see a licensed acupuncturist who is experienced with birth work.
Q: At what time should pre-birth treatments begin?
A: Treatments begin at 37 weeks and continue weekly until you deliver baby.
Q: Could I receive acupuncture treatments earlier in pregnancy?
A: Yes, many women use acupuncture to help relieve symptoms such as, nausea, backpain, anxiety, insomnia, or heartburn.
Q: I am unsure if I am going to have an epidural, should I have pre-birth treatments?
A: Yes, epidural or no epidural, acupuncture prepares the body for fewer interventions. Pre-birth acupuncture also helps with an efficient labor.
Q: Why should I consider vaginal childbirth?
A: Many women plan for a vaginal birth without pain medications to avoid the potential side effects of medications. Additionally, many women prefer to be able to move about during labor and after delivery with fewer restrictions.
Q: My first birth was a Cesarean birth and my provider gave me the option of having a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) for my second birth. Should I consider pre-birth treatments?
A: Yes, all pre-birth treatments begin at 37 weeks to prepare the body for less interventions and an efficient labor. Each approach is a personalized strategy based on your health history.
Q: I am planning for a Cesarean birth, should I consider pre-birth treatments?
A: Yes, acupuncture helps prepare the mom for all births. This personalized treatment strategy would also encourage the body to heal faster and experience less pain after surgery.
Call Today for Your Complimentary Pregnancy or Pre-Birth Consultation
Jennifer has advanced training in perinatal acupuncture and participates in ongoing mentorship with the Maternity Acupuncture Mentoring and Peer Support (MAMPS) program as a MAMPS practitioner.